Datum: 7. Jan. 2024 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort , Germany, Germany
Veranstalter Messe Stuttgart
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 90000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 1500
AMB is a meeting point for the industry located in the heart of Europe In five days of fair, your products and services will be at the center of the concerns of people whose passion and drive are metalworking. In 2018, AMB again achieved top marks. Never before have so many exhibition spaces (125,800 square meters) been occupied and as many exhibitors (1,553) and visitors (91,016) had not visited the exhibition grounds. In 2020, we want to celebrate the 20th anniversary and another superlative event with you. Present your latest technologies, innovations and concepts for tomorrow's production. Meet existing and potential partners here! AMB, the international metalworking trade show, is the... largest trade show in the even-years sector and one of the world's 5 largest metal cutting technology trade shows. Every two years, more than 1,450 exhibitors from 33 countries present the latest developments in machine tools, precision tools and peripherals relevant to metal machining. Mehr lesen
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Youssouf K.
Mining engineer
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