Datum: 28. März 2022 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort , Spain, Spain
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 200
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 35
Following the success of AMI's 10th Agricultural Film 2017 conference which gathered 200 delegates from over 40 countries around the world, the Agricultural Film 2018 is a must attend event not to be missed. It will bring together agricultural and horticultural cover specifiers, raw material and film manufacturers, professional researchers and educational institutions, cooperatives, growers and associations and public and private bodies involved in agriculture to provide a forum and a networking platform with professionals active in this challenging industry and global food supply in general. Over the past 60 years, agricultural output and productivity has significantly increased and plasti...c agricultural film for silage, mulch and greenhouse applications has made substantial contributions to this development. The use of plastic films has been notable in the horticultural industry, as well as in preserving and improving the quality of silage and contributing to continuously increasing crop and milk yields. Plastic films have also enabled the extension of cultivation in terms of the growing season and the location through the use of protective mulch and greenhouse films. Mehr lesen
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