World of Neurosurgery 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Freitag, 21. April 2023 - 24. Apr. 2023 (4 Tage), Canada, Canada
Datum: von 21. Apr. 2023 bis 24. Apr. 2023 ( 4 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre, Canada, Canada
Veranstalter AANS
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 3300
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 200
The AANS is dedicated to propelling the area of neurological medical procedure around the globe to advance the most astounding nature of patient consideration in all nations. We anticipate inviting you to our 2019 AANS Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego. The Federación Latinoaméricana de Sociedades de Neurocirugía (FLANC) and the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons (AASNS) have acknowledged the welcome to fill in as the working together social orders for the 2019 gathering in San Diego. This coordinated effort displays probably the most prestigious neurosurgeons of Latin American, Asia and Australasia as moderators in the logical program.
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