Expo AgroAlimentaria Gunajuato 2026
4.4 / 5
(8 avis)mardi, 7 novembre 2023 - 10 nov. 2023 (4 jours), Abasolo, Mexique
Informations générales
Date: du 7 nov. 2023 au 10 nov. 2023 (4 jours)
Lieu Agrifood Expo Guanajuato, Abasolo, Mexique
Organisateur Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato
Nombre de visiteurs attendus : 126000
Nombre d'exposants attendus : 1300
Expo AgroAlimentaria Gunajuato is a farming and agricultural trade show in the city of Abasolo, Mexico. It focuses on modern agriculture with cutting edge technologies. It also features great educative content with more than 50 conferences with experts coming to share their experience from all over the globe. It's a business-oriented events with a qualified audience and relevant exhibiting companies and brands. Finally, it's an international exhibition with 14 countries featured.
Notes et avis
Faut-il aller à Expo AgroAlimentaria Gunajuato ? Découvrez ce qu'en pensent les visiteurs et exposants des éditions précédentes.
14 septembre 2021
It was a great event, excellent organization with very interesting expositors and business
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23 janvier 2020
The Agroalimentaria has been an excellent place to link up with suppliers and customers.
18 janvier 2020
Great event to get to know farmers in Mexico and understand their needs and aspirations.
16 janvier 2020
This year the expo had a great reach for us, we managed to reach many potential customers and we acquired business relationships with other companies.
16 janvier 2020
Expo was an awesome opportunity where we were able to showcast our tyres and customers were able to get them at very good price.
16 janvier 2020
Expo Agro Alimentaria Guanajuato is a great place to talk to new prospects and of course current customers and distributors.
15 janvier 2020
Agroalimentaria es la expo argícola más importante y grande de México y una excelente oportunidad de negocios.
14 janvier 2020
Es el evento con mas influencia nacional sobre el tema agrícola en México, donde asisten participantes de toda la cadena logrando excelentes relaciones y posibilidad de negocios reales.
8 résultats • page 1 sur 1
Visiteurs et participants
Vous allez à Expo AgroAlimentaria Gunajuato? Commencez à networker avec d'autres participants et planifiez des rendez-vous 1-to-1.
Chrishna Svetlité .
Ursil K.
mugisha A.
manager director
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