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Retail Experience Live

Retail Experience Live 2024

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jeudi, 18 janvier 2024 (1 jour), Älvsjö, Suède

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Date: le 18 janv. 2024 (1 jour)

Lieu Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö, Suède

Organisateur Easyfairs Group

Nombre de visiteurs attendus : 3600

Nombre d'exposants attendus : 150

The largest Nordic trade fair for physical and digital commerce. The competition for consumers becomes tougher and tougher. Everything is available, everywhere. Consumers, in turn, are placing increasing demands on the companies in the market. Daily trends, market techniques and platforms that you have to keep track of are at the forefront. How should you, as an e-retailer, store owner, marketer, communicator or management team, keep up with the rapid development? Big Data, Omnichannel, Blockchain, Cross-channel Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Influencer Marketing, Content Marketing - The concepts are endless. The important thing is to understand and keep up with what drives sales. ...Ecommerce + Shop Tech brings together over 150 exhibitors and experts, trend analysts and inspiration speakers who give you the answers to how you can develop your trade and stand out in the market with the help of technology and communication. Voir plus

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