TERATEC Forum 2026
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022 - 15. Juni 2022 (2 Tage), France, France
Datum: von 14. Juni 2022 bis 15. Juni 2022 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort , France, France
Veranstalter Teratec
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 1500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 70
The TERATEC Forum is a major event in France and Europe bringing together the best international experts in HPC, Simulation and Big Data. It reaffirms the strategic importance of these technologies for developing industrial competitiveness and innovation capacity. The TERATEC 2019 Forum will provide a new opportunity for this community to come together on the theme of these new technologies resulting from the convergence of High Performance and Big Data, and the prospects they open up, in terms of new uses. The participation of major international industries, the presentations by leading technological companies, the diversity and level of the technical workshops, the wide representation of... exhibitors and the innovative products on offer, are just some of the advantages of this unmissable European event. During the two days of the Forum, over 70 exhibitors - software manufacturers and producers, integrators and distributors, service providers, cademic and laboratory researchers - will be presenting their latest technologies and innovations in HPC, simulation and Big Data. Mehr lesen
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Ibrahim G.
Lamine C.
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