Supply Chain Event 2025
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2025 - 15. Okt. 2025 (2 Tage), France, France
Datum: von 14. Okt. 2025 bis 15. Okt. 2025 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France, France
Veranstalter Reed Exhibitions
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 3000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 100
A tidal wave that will sweep everything in its path. But what will be the strength, the extent, the effects ...? What upheavals should we expect? How to anticipate it? Getting ready? These are the questions that the Supply Chain Event wants to answer through a "digital" oriented offer and exhibitors likely to meet the new challenges that will be faced in all areas of the Supply Chain: - At the strategic level, digitization will make it possible to collect and process a huge amount of data (Big Data). It will provide a quick and clear view of flows, with tools for measurement and analysis that will give managers the opportunity to make important decisions with the utmost precision. - At the... tactical level, it will also be the means to deal with hazards in extremely short time and provide solutions, for example in crisis situations or on the contrary to seize new opportunities. - At the operational level, in the field, digital technologies will provide valuable assistance to employees in areas such as transport, storage, supplies, order picking ...Mehr lesen
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Tellienne Borgia B.
Supply chain lead
tracy s.
entreprise de transport de marchandises
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Pedro J D.
Director General
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