SOSU Europe (Sourcing Summit) 2025
4.4 / 5
(11 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 27. September 2022 - 28. Sept. 2022 (2 Tage), Netherlands, Netherlands
Datum: von 27. Sept. 2022 bis 28. Sept. 2022 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Meervaart Amsterdam, Netherlands, Netherlands
Veranstalter Destination talent
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 420
RISK TAKERS, GAME CHANGERS, PEOPLE FINDERS, TOOL TINKERERS & TALENT GEEKS from all over Europe congregate at #SOSUEU to collaborate, network & learn. Be in the room with the sharpest sourcing minds and hear first hand, the challenges, new trends and opportunities that are shaping the talent sourcing landscape. SOURCING SUMMIT (#SOSU) started in 2011 in Australia with the aim to highlight the growing importance of talent sourcing, promote and spread new thinking, and bring together practitioners to network and learn from each other. The event is now held annually in four continents. Sourcing Summit brings together sourcing innovators from across the world and highlights the important role... of sourcing. The Summit provide attendees with the opportunity to learn from thought leaders, practitioners and organisations who are at the forefront of sourcing excellence. Mehr lesen
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8. November 2019
SOSU Europe invited me to be opening keynote speaker at the Sourcing Summit Europe on Oct. 9th in Amsterdam. I felt honored to speak at this big event and share my ideas on the power of listening lead...ership with an audience of a few hundred sourcers. I will never forget the good vibes before, during and after my keynote SEE ME, FEEL ME, TOUCH ME, HEAR ME. Thank you, super sourcers! 🙏🏻❤️ Mehr lesen
11 Ergebnisse • Seite 2 von 2
Sehen Sie, wer auf SOSU Europe (Sourcing Summit) geht
Pragnya V.
emerson n.
Finn L.
Account Executive
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