![Salons Ce Avignon](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(100)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/640x0/tradefest/events/uyvdinhaea5njuyj5h1a)
Datum: 31. März 2022 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort PARC DES EXPOSITIONS - Avignon, France, France
Veranstalter Comexposium
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 900
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 70
FRANCECE AVIGNON, THE RENDEZ-VOUS OF THE VAUCLUSE ENTERPRISE COMMITTEES THE BEST LOCAL OFFER FOR THE VAUCLUSE BUSINESS COMMITTEES A real place for exchanges and meetings, FranceCE Avignon will receive you on February 7th, 2019, at the Exhibition Center and brings together Suppliers of CE and Works Committees for a day of exchange and conviviality. The opportunity to stock up on new products for your employees and to obtain advice and personalized solutions to carry out your missions and meet the expectations of your employees. At FranceCE Avignon, 70 exhibitors are waiting for you with CE special offers and offers to help you contribute to the well-being of employees. FRANCECE AVIGNON IS:... Benefits and discounts for employees (ticketing, service check service, sales expo ...). EC providers focused on tourism, travel and leisure "Gifts and Holidays" offers (Christmas trees, toys, parcels, gift vouchers ...) Offers in terms of social protection, financial services, charity associations ... What to accompany the "Economic role and functioning of the EC": office automation, expertise, training, meeting with unions. Mehr lesen
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