![RT Imaging Gala Event—EMEA](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(100)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/640x0/tradefest/events/jdhurypncwiku5h0gekn)
RT Imaging Gala Event—EMEA 2020
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(0 Bewertungen)Montag, 16. November 2020 - 23. Nov. 2020 (8 Tage), Egypt, Egypt
Datum: von 16. Nov. 2020 bis 23. Nov. 2020 ( 8 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort InterContinental Cairo Citystars, Egypt, Egypt
Veranstalter Recycling Times Media
RT Imaging Gala Event - EMEA is first event at any point committed to print consumables in Africa and Middle east. Following two effective expos in Cairo, The RT Imaging Gala Event—EMEA 2019 (Cairo) is an overhauled event from the conventional show style. It is a VIP, abnormal state proficient gala event centering upon the requirements of the neighborhood showcases in the MENA. On the off chance that you are an expert purchaser with the capacity to import items from China, you can get a ticket to this inside and out, item uncovering event. Your ticket will likewise enable you to take part in an outstanding supper with a keynote speaker which will give balanced business organizing open doo...rs for expert providers and purchasers. Mehr lesen
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