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Re-evaluating Criminal Background Policies, HRTraining -

Re-evaluating Criminal Background Policies, HRTraining - 2020

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Donnerstag, 9. April 2020  (1 Tag), United StatesUnited States

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Datum: 9. Apr. 2020 (1 Tag)

Veranstaltungsort Online United StatesUnited States


Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 100

Overview There is much information about the criminal background policies and how they impact a property manager or owner. It is imperative to do things correctly to avoid a fair housing complaint. We will examine the basics of the discrimination and the history starting with the disparate impact rulings and what the correct process is as of today. We will examine HUD's memos and see what they mean for us today. Since nearly one third of the population have a criminal record of some sort, we need to understand their rights of the accused and the rights of a property owner. We will discuss what HUD's rulings have to do with "blanket prohibitions" on such topics as no felonies allowed at t...his property. We will also dissect the best practices on what to do correctly including the "individualized assessment" that is now required. Also discussed will be the policy on LEP ( Limited English Profeciency) required as per HUD's direction. Why you should Attend This is a "Hot topic" and it must be handled correctly. We will learn what to do when faced with a decision based on prior criminal conduct and how it affects our potential applicant as well as our existing multi-family community. We will be able to decide about the reasonable accommodations necessary to facilitate a decision when confronted with a criminal background. Areas Covered in the Session Written Policies Unsuitable Tenant What information is Needed to Make a Legitimate Decision What is a "blanket" ban Who Will Benefit Property Managers Property owners Leasing Consultants Housing Authority Staff Realtors Community Development Staff Event link : Contact Info LLC Email: Phone: US: (510) 962-8903 Phone: Zurich: +41 - 43 434 80 33 Website : Mehr lesen


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