Datum: 12. Nov. 2024 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland, United States, United States
Veranstalter AMI
Following popular demand, our Profiles event is returning to North America at the Huntington Convention Center, Cleveland, OH, USA, on November 12, 2024. This one-day focused conference will review the technical trends and innovations in the sector, with the aim of supporting extruders to deliver higher quality product at increased line speed, thereby driving up productivity. Hot topics in the industry include mergers and acquisitions; product diversification; changing consumer demands; the development of new standards and the environmental agenda all converge to create a landscape for change. Additionally, profile extruders can exploit the latest innovations in state-of-the-art machinery a...nd automated technologies; new additives and new weathering testing facilities to improve their product and delight their customers. Prepare for an inspiring and educational experience, connecting with industry experts from across the supply chain including profile producers, compounders, raw materials and additives processing machinery suppliers. Maximize your time in Cleveland and join our Compounding World, Plastics Recycling World Cleveland Expos at the same venue the following day! Mehr lesen
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