Preparing for a BSA/OFAC Regulatory Examination 2025
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 18. August 2020 (1 Tag), United States, United States
Datum: 18. Aug. 2020 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Online Event, United States, United States
Veranstalter ComplianceOnline
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 15
A BSA/OFAC regulatory examination can throw an unprepared financial institution into chaos and expose it to potentially expensive missteps. This webinar will address what happens when the regulator arrives, how to handle questions, and how to document the examination. Materials include tools to organize for and track steps in the examination. It will guide you in putting a plan in place for the BSA/OFAC examination so that your organization will not be caught flat-footed. This webinar combines experiences from examinations along with a tested approach to prepare your team – the AML/OFAC departments, documentation, agents, and business staff tasked with AML/OFAC responsibilities – to positi...vely and accurately represent your AML and OFAC programs to regulators for the most efficacious outcome. At the end of the session, the instructor will invite your questions concerning BSA/OFAC examinations. Mehr lesen
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