Datum: von 6. Apr. 2022 bis 7. Apr. 2022 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Expo Pars Building, Iran, Iran
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 10000
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 250
The 6th Iran's Annual Exhibition of Mines & Mining Industries alongside of the Investment Opportunities in Iran Mines & Mining Industries with the utmost participation of economic activists, producers, and suppliers of this field will be held by Expo Pars with the cooperation of the Ministry of Industry, Mine & Trade, Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO), Geological Survey of Iran (GSI), and other major institutions and organizations. With the growth rate of 30 percent each year, MINEX has been able to gather an extensive range of field sectors from around the globe. In this year's event, some of the leading supplier of the global mining industr...y such as France, China, and Russiaare going to showcase in the form of national pavilions which are supported by their governments. Mehr lesen
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Leila S.
international affairs
Silvère I.
Directeur des opérations
Maryam G.
Exhibition registration
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