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LSR Innovations

LSR Innovations 2020

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Mittwoch, 4. März 2020 - 5. März 2020 (2 Tage), Germany, Germany

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Datum: von 4. März 2020 bis 5. März 2020 ( 2 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort , Germany, Germany

Veranstalter AMI

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 60

Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 10

This abnormal state global occasion will unite materials and handling innovation specialists, processors and end-clients to talk about the exceptional presentation attributes of LSR materials, just as the extraordinary preparing qualities that empower them to convey in requesting applications and geometries where ordinary elastomers and polymers may battle. LSR Innovations 2018 will cover set up LSR application zones, for example, restorative, human services, electrical and electronic and fixing innovation, just as developing applications, for example, polymer-based optics for superior LED lighting frameworks. Key zones of center will incorporate material advancement and procedure computer...ization. Master speakers will likewise address the particular part and form structure contemplations to be considered with these novel materials. AMI's LSR 2018 gathering will be a basic gathering place for anybody hoping to become familiar with the preparing and potential utilizations of the present superior LSR materials. Mehr lesen

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