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GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference

GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference 2025

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Dienstag, 2. September 2025 - 3. Sept. 2025  (2 Tage), SingaporeSingapore

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GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference
GTR Asia trade, commodities, treasury and fintech conference

Datum: von 2. Sept. 2025 bis 3. Sept. 2025 ( 2 Tage)

Veranstaltungsort Marina Bay SandsSingaporeSingapore

Veranstalter Global Trade Review (GTR)

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 1100

Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 45

For over a decade, GTR Asia has provided leading insight into the world of trade, treasury, commodities and fintech, with 2022 seeing the return of the region’s premier trade gathering in-person, welcoming over 1,100 back to Singapore for the first time in three years. 2023’s event will take place on September 5-6, providing an unparalleled opportunity to hear world leading experts reflect on the latest developments and rapidly changing dynamics across Asian and global markets. Participants will have the chance to meet and network with all corners of the market, from multinational corporations and SMEs, local and international banks, fintechs and alternative financiers, commodity brokers an...d traders, insurers, risk managers, lawyers, consultants, ECAs, multilaterals and more. Enjoying the support of Asia’s leading financial institutions, government agencies and public bodies, attendees will benefit from a range of discussion topics, as well as the chance to engage and share insights directly with speakers and experts. Secure a 10% early booking discount if you register before August 4 at or with the GTR bookings team at lesen


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