![Effectively Building Your Organizations Soft Skills Capabilities](https://img.tradefest.io/filters:quality(100)/filters:format(.webp)/fit-in/640x0/tradefest/static/event-logo-placeholder)
Effectively Building Your Organizations Soft Skills Capabilities 2020
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(0 Bewertungen)Dienstag, 29. September 2020 (1 Tag), United States, United States
Datum: 29. Sept. 2020 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Online , United States, United States
Veranstalter TrainHR
Overview: "Soft skills are a heard reality" Deloitte predicts that soft-skills based occupations will account for 2/3rd of all jobs by 2030. This webinar focuses on the importance of soft skills in today's organizations and will help you focus on the right type of soft skills and how to get the most ROI from associated soft skill training. Types of soft skills in demand, global trends, roles of both HR and line operations are all examined as well as practical strategies that need to occur pre, during and post training to get the most ROI from training workshops. https://www.trainhrlearning.com/webinar/effectively-building-your-organizations-soft-skills-capabilities--703278LIVE
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