E-commerce Xpo Kortrijk 2025
2.9 / 5
(9 Bewertungen)Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023 - 15. Okt. 2023 (2 Tage), Belgium, Belgium
Datum: von 14. Okt. 2023 bis 15. Okt. 2023 ( 2 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Kortrijk Xpo, Belgium, Belgium
Veranstalter Kortrijk Xpo
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 2500
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 200
A turnover of 9 billion euros and the biggest growth in Europe. E-commerce in Belgium is a hot topic. And he becomes more and more. The 4th edition of E-Commerce Xpo brings together under one roof the latest e-commerce solutions and applications. Discover today the solutions available to you to undertake successfully in the future. E-COMMERCE XPO is a trade fair in an ALL-IN concept: with all-inclusive stalls and a small free restaurant for visitors and exhibitors alike. The fair consists of uniform stands divided into 5 areas that reflect the different aspects of the market: - online store development - payment systems - online marketing - logistics - consultancy and services
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Youssouf Bello D.
Magasinier chez Chaine Approvisionnement IAMGOLD ESSAKANE
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