Datum: 30. Mai 2024 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort RDS - Royal Dublin Society, Ireland, Ireland
Veranstalter Catalyst Media
Dublin Tech Summit (DTS) is a two-day conference that sits at the heart of the international tech scene. As one of the world’s most active technology hubs, Dublin has become the EMEA base for some of the biggest global tech companies and over the last 6 years DTS has emerged as one of Europe’s fastest growing B2B tech events. After two years of virtual events, DTS is delighted to host our next LIVE event on 31 May-1 June 2023. We will deliver another world-class conference and will adhere to all government Covid safety guidelines. We are extremely excited to bring together our international community of innovators, thought-leaders, and influencers once again in Dublin’s most famous venue, t...he RDS. Join our community of leaders at DTS, the chosen platform to help accelerate growth across the globe. Come and share a pint with the thinkers of tomorrow! Mehr lesen
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