
Datum: 23. März 2022 (1 Tag)
Veranstaltungsort Messe Frankfurt, Germany, Germany
Veranstalter AMC MEDIA NETWORK GmbH & Co.
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 3300
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 150
DIGITAL FUTUREcongress - for the first time in the Congress Center The largest congress fair on the subject of digitalisation in Hessen takes place for the first time in the Congress Center of the trade fair city Frankfurt in cooperation with more than 70 cooperation partners under the motto "discover business 4.0". At the 7th DIGITAL FUTURE CONGRESS on 14.02.2019 (Valentine's Day) in Frankfurt, decision-makers will have the opportunity to discuss all their topics on their own digitization agenda with experts and take home solutions. More than 3,300 participants came to Messe Frankfurt on March 1st to attend the 6th DIGITAL FUTURE Congress in the Forum. Almost 150 exhibitors presented thei...r offers for digitization at this congress trade fair, which focuses less on the technical aspects than on choosing the right strategy and understanding of the topic and on practicable solutions for companies.Mehr lesen
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Djamel Y.
Administrateur réseau informatique
Massin M.
Expert en automobile
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