Digital Entrepreneurship Fair "6 Jours pour" 2022
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(1 Bewertungen)Montag, 26. September 2022 - 1. Okt. 2022 (6 Tage), Belgique, Belgique
Datum: von 26. Sept. 2022 bis 1. Okt. 2022 ( 6 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort En ligne, Belgique, Belgique
Veranstalter Xavier De Poorter
Voraussichtliche Teilnehmerzahl: 3000
Voraussichtliche Ausstellerzahl: 55
Ready to launch / develop your company and take on the new challenges to come? The digital Entrepreneurship Fair "6 Jours Pour " continues its innovations and returns for the 5th consecutive year! When ? From September 27 to October 02, 2021 Where ? In line What ? Round tables, webinars, conferences, testimonials, demonstration of tools, networking, Gala evening, pitch and much more + virtual stands of all useful partners For who ? All (future) Entrepreneurs / SMEs / Intrapreneurs / Start-ups / Scale-up / Experts 6 days to learn, be inspired by new trends, equip yourself, anchor yourself in a new dynamic, meet the right partners & gain motivation! Registrations are open on www.6jourspour....beMehr lesen
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Djiby Moussa S.
Zahra fatima W.
Roméo N.
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