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Diana P. just reviewed WTM - World Travel Market

Diana  P.
Diana P.



31. August 2024

@lawyer.traveler.dreamer - I will be attending this year for the first time
Hello everyone, I’m excited to share that I’ll be attending WTM London for the ...first time this year! I’d love to connect with fellow travel content creators and influencers who are also attending for the first time or have been in the past. Feel free to reach out on Instagram: @lawyer.traveler.dreamer. Any tips or advice on how to prepare would be greatly appreciated! Mehr lesen

Marwen J. just reviewed SelfBuild Live

Marwen J.
Marwen J.



24. August 2024

Très bien
had the good fortune to attend the Self Build and Improve your Home Exhibition D...ublin. As a keen DIY enthusiast I found the exhibitors extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Mehr lesen

Rayan undefined. just reviewed International Glass Show

Rayan undefined.
Rayan undefined.



21. August 2024

Top 1 Glass event
The International Glass Show (IGS) is Africa & the Middle East’s flagship event ...for the GLASS industry & value chain, a top regional meeting point that brings together leading manufacturers, traders, and decision-makers in the glass sector — from Glass Products to Glass Production Technologies, Glass Manufacturing Machinery, Glass Processing Machinery, and Glass Finishing Machinery, in addition to the pioneers of glass Digitalization & Automation trends. Mehr lesen
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