Datum: von 14. März 2022 bis 16. März 2022 ( 3 Tage)
Veranstaltungsort Maritim Hotel, Allemagne, Allemagne
Veranstalter AMI
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 150
Voraussichtliche Anzahl an Ausstellern: 20
Rely on our nearly two decades of bringing the leaders in the wire and cable industry together so you can network with your industry peers and update your expertise from the world-class conference programme. The programme covers the latest technical developments and market trends in this dynamic sector. The conference includes plenty of networking opportunities, with an exhibition area and evening drinks reception and conference dinner. “This is THE Cables Event with excellent networking opportunities and a very balanced and informative portfolio of topics - a must have." Whatever your involvement in the cables industry, be it as a cable producer, specifier, raw material supplier, additi...ve or equipment manufacturer, this event will provide an ideal opportunity to network with like-minded professionals and find out about the latest material, technology and business trends and their potential impact on your business. Join the 250 delegates from around the world at this targeted conference - see you there! Mehr lesen
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